言方荣:男,江苏常州人,博士,教授,博士生导师,中国药科大学31399金沙娱场城生物统计教研室主任,生物统计与计算药学研究中心主任,美国MD Anderson癌症研究中心生物统计系访问学者,并兼任中国医药教学协会医药统计专业委员会副主任委员,中国现场统计研究会环境资源分会理事,中国卫生信息学会统计理论方法专业委员会委员,江苏省概率统计学会常务理事。主要研究领域包括:临床试验中的生物统计问题,自适应试验设计,生存分析与肿瘤精准治疗,癌症基因组学分析,群体药物代谢动力学分析及药学实验数据建模和分析,生物医药大数据及医疗大数据分析理论及应用.近年来在国内外以第一作者或通讯作者发表学术论文50多篇,单篇SCI影响因子最高70.67,包括NEJM(IF70.67),Annals of Oncology(IF14.196), Clin Cancer Re(IF10.199,discussion paper ), JSS(IF11.99)British Journal of Pharmacology(IF6.8), The Annals of Applied Statistics,JRSSC,Pharmaceutical Statistics.入选江苏省“六大人才”高峰项目、江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀骨干青年教师.现主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,国家社科基金面上项目1项,省部级课题3项,横向课题多项,构建临床数据库多个,开发软件2个。近年来,作为主持人已完成多项医疗服务项目研究,积累了丰富的经验,曾获薛暮桥价格奖两项。主持江苏省研究生优秀课程1项,江苏省研究生教改课题1项,省留学生精品培育课程及精品课程各1项,校重点建设课程1项。主持完成校级教改课题1项,作为主要完成人,获省精品课程2项(排第三),校教学成果一等奖、二等奖各一项(排名第二),作为主编,副主编主编教材多部,多次担任国际刊物审稿人。应邀出席2016年3月在美国举行的ENAR生物统计会议并作学术报告(Invited Paper),受到于会专家的一致好评,并多次受邀在统计学国际学术会议做邀请报告。
[1]Fangrong. Yan, P. F. Thall, K. H. Lu, M. R. Gilbert & Y. Yuan, *Phase I-II clinical trial design: A state-of-the-art paradigm for dose finding. Annals of Oncology(2018) [IF:14.196]
[2] Fangrong Yan, Sumithra J.Mandrekar and Ying Yuan. Keyboard: A Novel Bayesian Toxicity Probability Interval Design for Phase I Clinical Trials. Clinical Cancer Research(2017).[IF:10.199 discussion paper]
[3]Xiaofan Lu et al. and Fangrong Yan. Molecular classification and subtype-specific characterization of skincutaneous melanoma by aggregating multiple genomic platform data.Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology.(2018).[IF 3.9,通讯作者]
[4]Fangrong Yan, Xiao Lin, Ruosha Li and Xuelin Huang. Functional Principal Components Analysis on Moving Time-Windows of Longitudinal Data: Dynamic Prediction of Time-to-Event. Journal of Royal Statistics Socitey:Series C (2018).
[5] Fangrong Yan, Huihong Zhu, Junlin Liu, Liyun Jiang, Xuelin Huang. Design and inference for 3-stage bioequivalence testingwith serial sampling data.Pharmaceutical Statistics(2018).
[6] Xiao Lin, Ruosha Li, Fangrong Yan, Tao Lu and Xuelin Huang.Quantile residual lifetime regression with functional principal component analysis of longitudinal data for dynamic prediction. Statistics Method in Medical Research (2018).
[7]Yuting Cao et.al Fangrong Yan. Dynamic prediction of outcome for patients with Ovarian cancer: application of a joint model for longitudinal CA-125 values.International Journal of Gynecological Cancer(2018).[IF 2.3,通讯作者]
[8] Jiali Liu 1,2, Fangrong Yan(共一作) et al. A novel individual-cell-based mathematical model based on multicellular tumour spheroids for evaluating doxorubicin-related delivery in avascular regions. British Journal of Pharmacology.. (2017).DOI:10.1111.[IF:6.8].
[9] Fangrong Yan, Xiao Lin, Xuelin Huang. Dynamic Prediction of Disease Progression for Leukemia Patients By Functional Principal Component Analysis of Longitudinal Expression Levels of An Oncogene.The Annals of Applied Statistics. (2017).
[10] Xin Liu , Hao Zhan, Zhou Qiao , Mei Zheng , Wenyuan Liu , Feng Feng , Fangrong Yan. Chemometric analysis based on HPLC multi-wavelength ngerprints forprediction of antioxidant components in Turpiniae Folium. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 152 (2016) 54–61. [IF:2.3,通讯作者].
联系方式:Tel: 025-86185165 E-mail: f.r.yan@163.com